Wednesday, 1 October 2008

3:18:30 - disappointment

Going well until 22 and roght quad went into spasm. Left followed. Stopped, stretched, doused it with water, took ibuprofen and set off again and put 2 good miles in before it kicked in again.

Really disappointed once i knew i was going to miss a pb but glad to have finsihed. Enjoyed running though that great city once the race pressure was off. The last few ks and the section along Unter Den Linden was nice to take in.

Leg still sore and there is some brusing above the right knee. Looks like something went during the race. Was on for about 3:05, maybe 3:10 but lost so much time from 22 onwards.

Poss lack of water? Water stations were only on one side of the road and were a melee. People were pushing and shoving. The water was only in small cups too and it was tough to get enough. I missed some stations cos there was no warning signs and by the time i saw it, i was virtually past and it was easy to decide to wait until the next one. That probably cost me a good time as i was going so very well up to 22. Was on for a huge negative split as the mile splits were dropping fromn about 7:20 at halfway to 6:55 at 21.

Never mind! I think 3:18 with aninjury is not a poor show and you do learn from runs like this. Better make sure i do learn and do better next time...

I have enjoyed the training and feel more tempo runs would have helped. Also enjoyed the race. The distance doesn't scare me now - i'm far more at ease with what is such a tough challenge.

So yeah, i'm a bit down about it, but pleased for Alison (3:20, a pb) and Liz (3:19, also a pb) who both ran so well.

Need to pucker up and move on. Others are doing that, better try not and get left behind. I'd have liked to run sub three but didn't. Sometimes, with running as with anything else you just gotta accept you're just not good enough.

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